Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How they remember past lives

I think I just figured out how some people manage to retain memories of their past lives. It is a reasonable enough explanation anyway. Listen.

In the universe, there is energy. It is everywhere and in everything. It is like Obi-Wan Kenobi's definition of the Force, "...an energy field created by all living things, that surrounds and penetrates living beings and binds the galaxy together."

There is also mass. Loosely defined, mass is stuff and energy is what makes stuff work. Everything is made of stuff and everything is being run by energy.

If you know basic level physics, you would know that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another. It is called the law of conservation of energy. The same energy runs our bodies, nuclear reactions, the stars, and all manner of living and non living objects.

If you put absolutely anything under the microscope, you will see molecules. Regardless of which element something is made of, there are, microscopically speaking, vast empty spaces between molecules. This seemingly empty space contains energy.

You will see the same vast spaces and the same vibrating molecules in pretty much everything. Your hand, your bed, your dog. The list, as cliche goes, is endless. Energy holds matter together and keeps it from falling apart.

Now, we know that memories are extragenetic (independent of genes). If you are cloned, your duplicate will not have any memories of your life. (Watch the action-packed movie The 6th Day. Schwarzeneggar alert!)

Here's my point. Cloning replicates all matter in our bodies. But what of the energy? And what of that which the matter can not hold - memories?

What if, upon destruction of the body, the energy drifts away (soul?) taking with it memories, and just becomes a part of the sea of energy that is all around us. In due time when a new body made of matter needs mobilising, that bubble of energy enters it and brings the memories with it.

Some time ago, I wrote a post called Getting Ideas. In it I suggested that ideas are just things that float all around us and come to us when we seek them. I am saying that same thing about consciousness now.

Think of it as a like-attracts-like situation. A set of memories and feelings seeking matter will be drawn towards a body. Similarly, a body in need of a feeling will draw such towards itself.

Paranormal researchers say that many ghost sightings are a result of energy signatures left at certain places. So in a way, the universe remembers. (Read an oldish sci-fi book by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle called The Land of the Mists)

More proof that we are all connected. We are parts of each other and belong to each other, quite literally. Maybe the bright idea you just had was somebody's dying wish. How does that make you feel?

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