Friday, April 4, 2008

What about those who like sex?

I don't get the point about having to ban everything that reminds us that we are sexual creatures, but let us not get stuck at that.

The guardian of public morality sees something that turns him on and feels ashamed. He then proceeds to effect a nation-wide ban on the aforementioned 'something' on the grounds that it is detrimental to Indian culture and harmful to the young generation. I get it. It makes perfect sense.

But what about me? What about us? What about those who like sex? Those who can't get enough of turn-ons. Those who are not the up and coming young generation.

Do we have rights? Is it within my rights to enter the guardian's house, smash his furniture and then pick up a piece of it and smash his skull with it?

We are both citizens of the same nation, right? If he can block my access to my pleasures, I want to be able to make him pay for it.

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