This blog is about ideas. Simple ideas put across in plain text. Ideas on writing, personal growth, the web, media, and being an average Joe in our world. My name is Vijayendra Mohanty and I write this blog for you.
But who are you?
You are the office-goer, the newspaper-reader, the parent, the student, the bus/train-taker. You are the business-owner, the buyer, the consumer, and the voter. You are the one who makes it all work. And you are more than all of it put together. This blog intends to help you discover parts of you and your world. Little by little. One hint at a time.
What does this blog's name vimoh mean?
When I was a boy, I named myself Vimoh. It is an acronym made of my first and last names. In Sanskrit it means both 'enrapture' and 'free of attachments'. Besides, its a cool handle!
And who am I?I am an ex-web copywriter and sub-editor. I have been online and blogging for more than three years now. You can check out to see more of my writing. This blog is my latest home on the Internet. Also check out my web writing portfolio.
I read an average of three books per week. I love explaining things. I have been called insightful (among other things) and I love helping people. I am vegetarian. I don't smoke and I don't drink. By day I freelance as a web writer. By night I work on my book. Its a fantasy novel (in case you were wondering).
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I hope this blog proves itself of use to you. I am glad to have you here. Thank you for coming!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Who is this blog for?
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